How to Make New Year's Resolutions that Work! Goal Setting for 2020

Happy New Year!

New Years is a time for reflection of the past and inspiration for the future.  Now is the time to decide how 2020 is going to work for you.  Before we start to make New Year's Resolutions, it's important to sit back and reflect on the previous year.  Really take the time to reflect and analyze last year's goals.  What worked and what didn't work?  Why didn't they work What could you do different this year to help make your dreams and goals a reality?  Once you've put a close to 2019, it's important to decide what you want out of the new year.  Most people do the usual lose weight, quit smoking, but is there something more that you want?  How about the dream vacation, or new (insert what ever you want)!  How are you going to set about achieving these new goals?

So why do goals work? 
By setting goals you can write, direct and produce your own life.  You choose the direction you want your life to go in, instead of waiting for life to 'just happen'.  It is a fact that the food you feed your mind makes you and your surroundings what they currently are.  When you set goals, you're acknowledging to your conscious and subconscious mind the where you are currently, is not where you want to be.  When you set goals you are creating the life that you want to live.

Be specific about your goals
When you make your new year's resolutions , it's important to keep it very specific.  What is it that your wanting in life this year?  What are your dreams and desires for the New Year?  This is where you get to decide.  Be very specific about what your goals are.  Don't leave anything out, anything left out will be just that.  When your writing your goals down , write them in present tense, as if you've already achieved them.

Make your goals measurable
What is your goal trying to achieve? When will you know when you've completed or achieved your goal?  There must be a measurement of  success. 

Are your goals attainable
 It's okay to stretch your dreams and reach for the stars.  You don't always have to know the how, you just have to believe that it's possible.  "Whatever the mind can see and believe it can achieve".

Are your goals relevant and realistic
Your goals should be something you want.  It should be your passion, your idea, your reward.  Make yourself a vision board. Hold yourself accountable by telling friends and family about your goals.  Look at your vision board every day! 

Are your goals track able
A goal needs to have a beginning and an end.  Make sure and date by when you want to have each goal accomplished.  The time frame should be realistic.  Make a time line.  This helps to set your intentions and plans a course of action.  Be very specific about when you want to achieve these goals.  The more specific about your goals  the more likely hood that you will achieve them.  Be sure to add a specific dead line for when you want to have accomplished your goals.

Once you achieve a goal, celebrate it!  Let everyone know that you did it!   Do something special to reward yourself.  You set your goal and you achieved it!   Great Job!  Now go get the next one!  Keep it up and you'll be living your best life before you know it!


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