What's all the hype about Sulfate Free Shampoo?
There is a lot of discussion around Sulfate Free shampoos. Are they for you? First we need a little history.
Sulfates are a surfactant
that is added to your cleaning products. That is what causes the
foaming action usually associated with soaps. You can find them in
tooth past and body washes as well as shampoo's. Today we'll be
focusing only on the shampoos.
When it comes to color
treated hair, there is no data (that I'm aware of) that proves
sulfates remove hair color, but they are added to your shampoo's to
lather, remove dirt, grime, and products, so it makes sense to me,
that too a sulfate, a dye molecule would be a foreign substance that
needs to be removed. My recommendation to my color treated clients
is to use a sulfate free shampoo. However there is a lot more when
dealing with color fading, than just a sulfate free shampoo (that's
a whole different blog). Always be sure and discuss the color
fading issues with your colorist.
When trading a sulfate
shampoo for a sulfate free shampoo there are some differences you
should be aware of. A Sulfate free shampoo has a very mild
detergent that doesn't remove as much moisture from the hair. What
that means is if your going to the gym and having a hard workout then
sulfate free may not give you the cleaning that your hair needs. It also has little to no lather. For some people that is an issue. They don't feel clean. It really depends on your personal preference!
Should you use a sulfate
free shampoo?
Is your hair dry or damaged?
Is your hair color treated?
Is your hair texture dry?
Does your hair need moisture? Yes
Is your hair fragile? Yes
If you answered yes to any of those questions then Sulfate free shampoo may be for you! Try it and see what you think!
Another alternative is to
use Kevin Murphy brand. This is an all natural line with all natural
ingredients and of course my favorite part, Peta has awarded them the
bunny ear symbol, none of the ingredients have been tested on
If you do decide to use a
sulfate free shampoo just note that you will not get the lather and
foam that you are used to and some people feel as if they're hair
doesn't get clean enough. It's all about personal preference and the
health of your hair.
If you have any questions or comments leave them below.
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